Murfreesboro Local 3035 2018-03-26T14:39:11+00:00
Local 3035 is a non-profit labor organization that promotes a healthy and safe working environment for all firefightes in the City of Murfreesboro along with securing just compensation for all services provided through the Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue Department. Local 3035 also strives to give back to the community through our community fund donation program which gives money back by donations to Schools, Churches, the Red Cross, Children Sports Teams, and more.
The IAFF is the driving force behind nearly every advance in the fire and emergency services in the 21st century.
With headquarters in Washington, DC, and Ottawa, Ontario, the IAFF represents more than 310,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics in more than 3,200 affiliates. IAFFmembers protect more than 85 percent of the population in communities throughout the United States and Canada. The IAFF is also one of the most active lobbying organizations in Washington, DC. The IAFF Political Action Committee, FIREPAC, is among the top 25 federal PACs among the more than 4,000 in the country.


To organize all fire fighters and emergency medical or rescue workers;
To secure just compensation for their services and equitable settlement of their grievances;
To promote as safe and healthy a working environment for fire fighters as is possible through modern technology;
To promote the establishment of just and reasonable working conditions;
To place the members of the Association on a higher plane of skill and efficiency;
To promote harmonious relations between fire fighters and their employers;
To encourage the formation of local unions, state and provincial associations and joint councils;
To encourage the formation of sick and death benefit funds;
To promote the research and treatment of burns and other related health problems common to fire fighters;
To encourage the establishment of schools of instruction for imparting knowledge of modern and improved methods of fire fighting and prevention; and
To cultivate friendship and fellowship among its members.


Dear Fire Fighter Supporters:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who is supporting us through the purchase of ticket/vouchers to our family oriented events.
The Murfreesboro Fire Fighters Association represents approximately 140 Fire Fighters in Murfreesboro. Our members are employed by the city of Murfreesboro.
We represent the Association and not the city.
For your information, we are not a charity, but a non-profit Professional Organization., therefore, your ticket/voucher purchases are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax.
Mark McCluskey, President
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